Laser Eye

Can laser eye surgery, LASIK be used to correct both nearsightedness and farsightedness?

Is it possible to treat both myopia and presbyopia concurrently? Yes, laser eye surgery is an excellent treatment for conditions such as blurred vision, short-sightedness, long-sightedness, and astigmatism.  If you are over 40 years old, you may be near and farsighted and want to lessen your need for glasses or contact lenses. Keep both of these issues in mind when considering vision correction procedures such as LASIK eye surgery. Be sure that you are a good candidate for Lasik laser vision correction before you proceed for a Lasik laser eye surgery procedure. You might need to consult an eye doctor who would advise you if laser eye treatment is best for you.  You must not wear contact lenses a few weeks prior to the day you undergo Lasik surgery. Is it possible to be farsighted and nearsighted at the same time? Yes, it is possible to have both nearsightedness and farsightedness. Some patients are farsighted in one eye and nearsighted in the other, a condition known as anisometropia. LASIK surgery for presbyopia and myopia is best performed by a skilled doctor, whose experience and dedication are critical to a successful outcome. Also, click here to read more about living a better life with these CPAP machine tips. Why Does Myopia Get Worse As I Get Older? Is it possible to receive LASIK for farsightedness? Yes, LASIK allows for full-distance correction. Presbyopia, often known as farsightedness, affects everyone as they age. Presbyopia symptoms appear in the early to mid-40s for the majority of persons. Inside the eye, there is a tiny lens placed directly below the iris, the component of the eye that gives the eye its colour. This lens and its movement determine the level of presbyopia you may have. This little lens is flexible for younger people, akin to a soft rubber ball. When you don’t apply any pressure to the ball, it’s virtually perfectly spherical. When tossed against a wall, the ball flattens out and becomes flatter. This is similar to the shapes your eye’s lens takes as you alter your vision between distant and up close. When you gaze at anything close up, your lens is round and spherical; when you look at something far away, your lens flattens. Of course, you have no control over this movement, which occurs automatically. When you pick up your mobile phone to check your email, your brain alerts your eyes and orders them to flex specific muscles to round out the lens. When you look at something across the room, the muscles around your eyes relax, causing the lens to flatten. Presbyopia LASIK Treatment Options Because LASIK surgery is performed on the cornea’s surface, it does not correct for presbyopia. As previously stated, presbyopia affects the lens inside your eye. You’ll have a few options when you start thinking about LASIK eye surgery. Your doctor will go over your alternatives with you and tell you which one is best for your situation and the goals you want to attain. LASIK with monovision Using “Blended Vision,” What exactly is monovision? The word “blended vision” is another synonym for monovision. Monovision is accomplished when one eye is corrected for distance vision and the other is adjusted for close vision. When you have both eyes open and working simultaneously, your brain blends the distances, allowing you to see both close and distant. The majority of people over the age of 40 benefit from this method. Patients become acclimated to their new eyesight over the first few weeks after the monovision operation since the brain is so adaptive. Patients get used to how each eye works differently, and monovision becomes second nature. LASIK for presbyopia can lessen the need for reading glasses for close inspection tasks. Many patients can avoid wearing glasses or contacts entirely. Distance Vision With People For Up-Close Tasks Can LASIK correct presbyopia? Now that we know the answer let’s look at why so many people start wearing bifocals or reading glasses in their forties. Even after LASIK or if you’ve been corrected for perfect distance vision in both eyes, nearsighted people may still need reading glasses to see things up close. The lens inside the eye grows increasingly stiff with age and cannot adapt when switching between distance and near vision. Some people prefer not to wear reading glasses at all, while others don’t mind wearing bifocals or over-the-counter reading glasses. Is Monovision LASIK Required for Me? Is LASIK effective for both near and farsightedness? Yes! You may require assistance determining whether LASIK is the best solution. Consider the following factors to assist you in making your decision: Patients with farsightedness (presbyopia) have difficulty seeing things up close as they age. Because both eyes cannot be corrected to see up close, these patients can choose monovision LASIK. Patients with nearsightedness (myopia) have difficulty seeing far away yet can see close-up without glasses. Myopic patients should be advised that while a typical LASIK treatment can correct their vision in both eyes, it may impair their ability to see up close. It is possible to have basic LASIK and still require reading glasses afterward. Monovision needs your brain to utilize one eye to see far-away objects and the other to see close-up things. Obviously, there will be a period of adjustment. If you want to consider the monovision LASIK treatment, consult your doctor first and ask about monovision contact lenses. It is a helpful test to see if you can adapt to this eyesight before undergoing surgery.  How Monovision LASIK Laser Treatment Works Your doctor will examine your prescription to identify which eye is dominant before performing monovision LASIK: In general, the dominant eye is the one that can see distances; the non-dominant eye is the one that can see close objects. A few people do not have a dominant eye; in this situation, you can try monovision in either eye. Right-eye dominance affects roughly two-thirds of the population. Your doctor will then prescribe contact lenses that will imitate monovision correction.

Can laser eye surgery, LASIK be used to correct both nearsightedness and farsightedness? Read Post »

LASIK Surgery

How Safe is LASIK Surgery? And 3 Ways to Speed Up Recovery Time

The growth of LASIK surgery as one of the most sought-after treatments is well-deserved.  Since its inception, LASIK surgery has been widely recognised as a safe and effective medical procedure. Back in the day, before lasers were used to accomplish LASIK surgery, surgeons had to manually cut the corneal flap using a tool called a “microkeratome,” which had a very sharp blade. While this method was successful most of the time, it did occasionally result in flaps that were not precisely shaped. Flap formation with a femtosecond laser is significantly more accurate and repeatable than the older bladed LASIK surgery method. Since the advent of blade-free eye surgery of LASIK, several breakthroughs have been made to the technology of LASIK, including those related to laser eye treatment technology, such as eye-tracking, boosting precision and safety. With the advent of wavefront technology, a new method of corneal mapping was developed, greatly enhancing the efficacy of LASIK eye surgery. The Efficacy and Safety of Eye Surgery LASIK Most patients who undergo Blade-Free Wavefront LASIK end up with 20/20 or better vision. There is a continuous range of 92–98% satisfaction with LASIK eye surgery in patient surveys. Despite its many advantages, LASIK eye surgery remains a surgical procedure like any other. There is always a degree of danger involved with surgery. Potential LASIK surgery hazards do exist, but they are quite rare. The most common of these are mild annoyances, vision issues like ghosting or halos, and dry eyes. Negative effects on vision after LASIK eye surgery are uncommon. The risk of serious vision loss due to infection is roughly 1 in 2,000 for people who wear contact lenses daily. The same risk is lowered to 1 in 10,000 with LASIK. A LASIK enhancement eye surgery is a second procedure performed on a select number of patients who experienced complications during or after their initial procedure. This occurs because of either an excessive or insufficient dosage of the prescribed medication, causing a residual effect. The higher the quality of the technology employed, the less likely it is that you will need an eye surgery requiring LASIK enhancement, and the less severe the augmentation will be. In addition to lowering the chance of complications, wavefront-guided LASIK eye surgery is also a time-saver. Acceptability for LASIK Eye Surgery These dangers stress the significance of carefully choosing LASIK eye patients to undergo the procedure. Candidates for eye surgery with LASIK must meet certain criteria, the same as those for any other surgical procedure. Competent medical professionals are aware of the elements that may enhance the likelihood of complications. Your surgeon may advise against LASIK eye surgery after determining that the procedure isn’t a good fit for you. The size and shape of your cornea, the condition of your eyes, and your general health are all important considerations. Although LASIK surgery has a high rate of patient satisfaction, this does not mean that it is the best option for everyone. Accredited Laser Eye Surgery Institutes You may encounter laser eye treatment centers that prioritise patient volume over patient satisfaction when looking for a competent LASIK eye surgeon. These clinics put patients at risk, tarnish the image of LASIK eye surgery, and undermine public confidence in trustworthy doctors. Do your homework before choosing a doctor and read reviews written by actual patients. You should probably see many doctors get different perspectives. Keep in mind that the safety of your LASIK eye surgery depends on the skill and technology of your physician. First, you should decide if LASIK surgery is right for you, and then you can look for the best LASIK eye surgeon who uses the most cutting-edge technology. Personal Eyes places a premium on your personal security. We provide state-of-the-art technologies, including Wavefront-guided All-Laser LASIK. Our doctors can help you decide if eye surgery with LASIK is right for you because of their more than two decades of experience doing laser eye treatments. Here are 3 Ways You may Speed Up Your LASIK Healing Time. Right now, LASIK eye surgery is the best option for patients with visual difficulties. Many people have found that LASIK’s ability to eliminate their need for glasses or contacts relieves a significant source of irritation. The success rate of the procedure and the short amount of time needed to achieve full vision correction are two further indicators of its efficacy. However, it may take some time to fully recover from the surgery’s effects. It usually takes about three months for your eyes to fully heal from LASIK surgery. Unfortunately, full healing can often take as long as six months. But no matter how dire the situation, there is always a workable answer. Here are three suggestions to help you see clearly again quickly after eye surgery with LASIK. Adopting these practices can be an attractive option for avoiding a prolonged healing period and the related unpleasant symptoms. 1. You Shouldn’t Rub Your Eyes Corneal flaps are easily damaged by rubbing the eyes, which can lead to serious complications. As a result, it may necessitate further ocular surgery to realign the flap. There will be a burning and itchy feeling after LASIK surgery, and it may seem like there is a foreign body in your eye, but you should avoid touching or rubbing your eyes. Even though it may be painful, staying away from the wound will help it heal more quickly and effectively. 2. Don’t Stare at Your Screen for Too Long Dry eyes can be a side effect of staring at a computer screen for lengthy periods of time. Because of this, you may have a greater degree of discomfort and itching. So, it’s crucial that you give your eyes the rest they need on a regular basis. Take the suggested artificial tears to help keep your eyes moist and healthy throughout the day. 3. Bring Your Sunglasses at All Times Sunlight’s ultraviolet rays (UVRs) can cause significant damage to your eyes. Direct sunlight is dangerous to the eyes and

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Laser eye surgery, LASIK Pros, and Cons: Are the Risks Worth the Cost?

Laser eye surgery, LASIK Pros, and Cons: Are the Risks Worth the Cost?

What is Lasik? LASIK is a refractive surgery that reshapes the eye’s cornea in order to correct vision and cure refractive abnormalities such as myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness). It’s one of the vision correction procedures that are available today. This permits light to bend appropriately on its route to focus on the retina, which is processed into nerve signals and finally translated into visual representations by the brain.  LASIK is a laser vision correction that changes the shape of your cornea’s surface. Your doctor will use a laser to sculpt this layer precisely, and you may receive eye drops to numb them and take a small sedative for increased calm during the process. In rare situations, a shield may be placed over your eye to protect it from laser injury. The LASIK treatment is rapid and painless, lasting approximately 15 minutes per eye. Your LASIK surgeon will first examine your eyes to ensure they are in good enough condition for operation. This includes determining the shape and thickness of your cornea and your pupil size and refractive error. Furthermore, any illnesses or disorders that may have an impact on recovery from surgery will be evaluated. You can read more about LASIK surgery by visiting Following an eye exam, your LASIK surgeon will make a small incision in your cornea to form a thin tissue flap. This flap is then unwrapped back, and the tissue beneath is reshaped using an excimer laser. Microkeratome LASIK is a computer-guided laser-guided treatment. This causes several tiny bubbles to grow on the cornea’s surface, causing a flap to form at the specific depth and diameter selected by the surgeon. Click here to read more about All You Need To Know About Laser Eye Surgery, Lasik. After the reshaping is finished, your LASIK surgeon restores and secures the corneal flap without the use of stitches. Your vision should start improving immediately; you may encounter blurry vision or hazy light at first, but these issues should go away shortly. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Lasik Surgery? Deciding to have LASIK surgery involves thought and consideration. Here’s what a professional ophthalmologist has to say to potential candidates. There are numerous reasons why patients seek LASIK surgery, such as to wake up in the morning and not go for your glasses or spend two minutes putting in contact lenses. Most people desire to enjoy their work and leisure activities while having a clear vision. However, the thought of having eye surgery — especially while awake — might be frightening. The technique, which includes creating a small flap in the cornea surface cells to reshape the cornea beneath it, is also not appropriate for everyone. Before you decide to undergo Lasik surgery, you need to know how much laser eye surgery costs. Others may object to the cost: The average cost per eye is around $2,200. Because LASIK is often not covered by insurance, some people may want to save and pay for it through a flexible spending account. Pro: LASIK eye surgery is rapid and painless As an outpatient treatment, LASIK may take about 20 minutes, most of that time spent preparing for surgery. Those who remain awake may be given Valium to help them relax. For safety and comfort, the laser is programmed to turn off whenever a patient’s eye makes rapid movements that could result in error or harm. Con: Not everyone qualifies Those considered inappropriate are frequently 40 and older. This is because they may have presbyopia, a condition in which the eye’s lens stiffens and impairs close-up vision (LASIK alters the cornea, not the lens). Another similar procedure known as photorefractive keratectomy, or PRK, may be better for those with high prescriptions or very thin corneas since they lack “enough remaining cornea to be structurally sound” for the flap-making involved in LASIK. Pro: Results are obtained promptly It doesn’t take long to get a good view. Patients who have had LASIK laser treatment will notice a difference within a few hours. By the next day, you’ve improved your vision significantly. The majority of typical activities can be resumed within 48 hours. Those who receive PRK, on the other hand, might expect a month of recuperation time and some slight pain owing to the removal of the corneal tissue. Con: There are some LASIK risks Although LASIK can cause dry eyes for up to three months (which can be treated with artificial tears), the chances of it becoming a permanent problem are extremely low. Another unusual side effect is glare or halos at night. The risk is significantly lower than it was previously, and the technology is far superior. The treatment zone is now much larger, covering the entire cornea.  Pro: You can live without glasses or contact lenses Whether they opt for LASIK or PRK, many patients see the procedure as life-changing, allowing them to participate in previously impossible activities due to poor vision. For most people, something changes or pushes them to seek surgery. They discover they are tired of using contacts due to dry weather or wish to ride their bicycle with no glasses. Con: The flaps might be harmed Because the flaps formed during LASIK are not secure, patients should avoid rubbing their eyes while they recover. Any damage to a flap (such as getting pricked by a tree limb or fingernail) could dislodge it. If such contact occurs, see your eye doctor right away. Because PRK does not develop flaps, those patients are not in danger. Athletes and active people may choose that choice in order to perform at their best. Pro: Your vision will be substantially improved Recipients of LASIK can regain 20/20 eyesight. However, don’t anticipate superhuman vision. That picture may differ for people with greater prescriptions. The chances of attaining a 20/20 are around 20% to 30%. However, you have a very excellent probability of functioning without glasses.  Con: There is a chance you will require LASIK laser eye treatment again Again, those

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All You Need To Know About Laser Eye Surgery, Lasik 

All You Need To Know About Laser Eye Surgery, Lasik

LASIK laser eye surgery involves creating and reflecting a thin flap of the superficial cornea, revealing a central portion of the deeper cornea. An excimer laser is used to remove corneal tissue from the deeper surface in the center area. After which the flap is replaced and allowed to heal naturally.  Lasik laser eye treatment or laser vision correction is meant for candidates who have blurred vision or other eye defects. These people do not want to use glasses or contact lenses for the rest of their lives, hence they opt to undergo LASIK surgery.  Brief description of Lasik laser eye surgery procedures The area is cleansed and sterilized after a drop of anesthesia is instilled. A clip holds the eyelids open to allow access. A ring is used to support the eye so that the flap can be created. A thin layer of superficial cornea forms the flap.  The flap is hinged at one edge so it can be gently mirrored. The excimer laser is then used to restructure the exposed layer of the cornea (very similar to PRK). The flap is then adjusted and reattached. Because the front surface has been replaced, vision returns quickly, usually returning one day. Limitations If the corneal thickness is appropriate, excellent outcomes in the +4 to -10 diopter range can be predicted. After laser ablation, sufficient cornea thickness must be left deep into the flap. This may limit the treatment range and damage the optical zone, particularly in thinner corneas with higher corrections. Because the corneal flap does not become entirely secure for 4 weeks, there are some restrictions on your activities during that time. You can also read about What Should I Avoid Following Laser eye surgery, LASIK? by clicking here. Is it possible to have LASIK with astigmatism? Definition of Astigmatism Refractive errors are a class of phenomena that impact how light bends or refracts as it enters the eye. Astigmatisms, like hyperopia, myopia, and presbyopia, is a typical refractive defects. Astigmatism is typically present at birth due to the shape of the eye. It can, however, change with time.  The cornea, the transparent tissue at the front of the eye, is the most prevalent cause of astigmatism. This is known as cornea astigmatism. The crystalline lens can also cause astigmatism within the eye. This is referred to as lenticular astigmatism. The cornea’s curvature is uneven in corneal astigmatism rather than being curved like a perfect sphere. The astigmatic corneal shape is more like a football than a basketball or soccer ball. Similarly, with lenticular astigmatism, the shape of the lens is irregular. When the cornea or lens is asymmetric, light passing through the eye divides and forms two distinct focal points. Depending on whether you also have myopia or hyperopia, the two focal points strike the retina in front of (myopia) or behind (hyperopia). The retina is the rear of the eye’s sensory tissue. People with astigmatism have hazy vision when light does not focus properly. Astigmatism Treatment You’re probably wondering if you can have LASIK if you have astigmatism. Yes, but it will also be subject to on the degree of your astigmatism and whether it is symmetric or asymmetric. Is LASIK Eye Surgery Effective for Astigmatism? You may have learned that LASIK and astigmatism do not mix; however, this is not true. The laser repairs astigmatism in LASIK eye surgery by making the cornea more symmetrical. When astigmatism is corrected, vision improves. So, does LASIK help with astigmatism? Usually, the answer is yes. As long as the astigmatism is of the proper type and falls within the treatment restrictions, LASIK is effective in treating most people’s astigmatism. Are there certain types of astigmatism that LASIK cannot correct? Because LASIK only treats the cornea, it can only fix corneal astigmatism. Lenticular astigmatism will not be impacted. Astigmatism is classified into two types: regular and irregular. The form of astigmatism discussed thus far in this text is the most prevalent regular subtype. Trauma to the eye or certain corneal disorders such as keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, epithelial basement membrane dystrophy, and others can cause irregular astigmatism. Irregular astigmatism is more challenging to treat with refractive surgery, and LASIK is typically not an option. The treatment parameters for LASIK are relatively generous. Thus, even severe astigmatism may be accommodated. With severe astigmatism, Doctors must assess whether surgery is still a safe and effective treatment choice. Are you thinking about getting LASIK? Find out more about this laser eye surgery Before deciding to have LASIK, be sure you’re a good candidate, understand the benefits and potential risks, and have realistic expectations about your vision after surgery and for years to come. Be a well-prepared and informed patient by examining the materials below before having LASIK to achieve the best possible outcome. If any of these materials raise any concerns for you, be careful to discuss them with your ophthalmologist. How long does healing take following laser eye surgery? One advantage of using laser surgery to treat refractive problems is that recovery time is usually short. Your eye begins to heal immediately after LASIK, LASEK, or other similar treatments that generate a replacement flap in your cornea. Your eye surgeon or another eye specialist will test your eyesight and ensure your eyes are properly healing the day after surgery. In most circumstances, you can return to work and drive the next day. Healing may take a little longer if you have had PRK. This is due to removing a thin outer layer of corneal cells (rather than replaced as a flap-like with LASIK or LASEK). The cells regenerate; however, it takes a few days following surgery. This will increase the time it takes to return to work and drive comfortably and safely. Having some hazy vision or seeing your eyesight altering for several weeks or even months after laser eye surgery is normal. You may also experience dry eyes, glare, or halos around lights. You will most likely be booked for

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